WolfSinger Publications
Don't Write What You Know;
Write What You Care About -- Passionately!


Now that I'm retired from having a day job, I've been teaching myself to do the typesetting on WolfSinger Books and will be able to take over doing that instead of paying someone to do it. As a result moving forward, typesetting fees will NO longer be considered part of earn-out for books published by WolfSinger Publications.
The only monies books will need to ear-out will be the advances paid to the authors and the artists.

Just a head's up - I will be having surgery on my right shoulder for a torn rotator cuff on 9/19/24 and will have my right arm in a sling for at least 6 weeks according to the orthopedic surgeon. This is going to create a period where I am very limited in what I can do on the computer which will limit how much editing and production work I can get done on WolfSinger books.
I will not be closing for submissions as I was originally planning, but I may be bit more limited in how many books I decide to offer contracts to just to make sure I am able to catch up and not have too many waiting in the queue.
Thank you for your patience.

Just to let people know - my facebook account was hacked and the criminal is demanding $1000 to return my account to me. Not happening (even if I had the money to do it).
A new facebook page has been created for WolfSinger Publications and while I hate losing everything that was posted previously as well as the 15+ years of stuff on my personal page, I pressing forward with new pages.
If you previously liked or followed WolfSinger Publications - please do so with the new page as well.
Thank you for your support.

Haven't posted an update in awhile - have actually been posting more on Facebook.
Hubby retired from the Sheriff's Office at the end of March and we moved to Brackettville, Texas in May. Still setting things up in the new house as we are taking our time. However, have my office area set-up enough to work on WolfSinger Publications, the Lorelei Signal, my writing and goof off with computer games. Hubby is getting his workshop set up and starting to do some knife making - Texas in the summer means he isn't doing a whole lot outside.
I only have 1 book left on the 2023 publishing schedule to edit and get ready for release. At the time of this update - there are three books awaiting author edits or cover art before being released. I have 14 books on my list for release in 2024/early 2025 and currently nothing in the to be reviewed folder.
Have a couple more Sky Warrior Books that will be being transferred to WolfSinger Publications: The Grimhold Wolf, Wee Folk and Wise Anthology, The Dragon's Hoard Anthology, Hoofbeats Anthology and Redemption. Also considering doing a omnibus edition of the 3 Zombified books - but haven't decided if I'm going to yet.
The next open submission period (Oct - Dec 2023) will be for 2025/2026.

Just a note to let you know I will be traveling 11/19 - 11/28 and will not have internet access. Should be back 11/29. Happy Holidays to everyone

Summer has started and things at work have become frantic and very stressful. This is our busiest part of the year with hundreds of rodeos taking place between mid-May and mid-September. All part of what we call Cowboy Christmas as some of the richest and most prestigious rodeos take place during this time of the year. Most of us are having to set-up more than one rodeo a day and while some can be done quickly (some of the smaller rodeos that are only 1 day events), there are some that have the keyer pulling their hair out and and take several hours to get set up properly. Add that to all the phone calls coming in while you're working on your rodeo and all the other stuff we have to do during the day and it becomes very stressful.
As a result having to work late to finish rodeo setups and having to work at least two weekends a month is now the standard and that seriously cuts into time for me to do anything else. This will impact my work on WolfSinger projects - but I'm going to try and get through the ones currently on my plate as best I can without overworking or over stressing myself.
Please be patient with me during this time as I work to juggle everything and still maintain my sanity.

Going to take the Audio Book plunge using ACX (Audible) and their royalty sharing program. I've already added several of my short stories and have found narrator for Call of Chaos.
Unfortunately, ACX sets the retail price and pays on a couple of different prices (1 for members who use credits, 1 for members who but the book and one for non-members who buy the book.) Plus Amazon gives a discount if you already own the eBook version and Audible can put books on sale and pays off that amount. (Very similar to the way Kindle works, but the author/publish has even less control). On top of the potential changing price - the amount ACX pays to me is split with the narrator. So, for audio books I will be offering a 5% royalty - based on the 'cover' price that is shown on Amazon as that typically appears to be the full price for the audio book, before ACX offers any discounts to their club members or offers a sale on the books.
While it is smaller than both the eBook and Print royalty - it will be a stable amount and I'm hoping that the lower price sales through Audible will be able to be covered without me losing money since I will be using what should be the higher 'cover' price to calculate royalty amounts - regardless of actual sale price. I will be watching my statements to make sure I am using the higher 'cover' price as the basis for the royalty calculations.
Hope to send an email out to all WolfSinger authors this week letting them know this will now be available. For books currently in print - authors will have the option of requesting that their books be considered for audio books. New contracts will include a section regarding audio books.

Haven't posted an update in a while. Since I've gotten back to publishing - I'm slowly getting caught up.
3 books released in 2020
5 books in 2021
For 2022 and 2023 - I will have higher numbers
Looking at bringing back an annual charity anthology - check out the Open Anthologies link for the anthologies we will be reading for including our Charity Anthology for 2022 - Out of the Darkness.
Still have several submissions to review from the December submission period.
Currently have 7 books on tap plus any I pick up from those awaiting review.
Also, back in early 2021 I was approached by Maggie Bonham of Sky Warrior Books regarding WolfSinger Publications picking up her catalogue. Something I was definitely willing to do. This is still in limbo as I have not yet received the list I requested from her of the books and authors, so I can contact them regarding transferring their titles to WolfSinger Publications. I have heard from a couple of the authors regarding their books and I hope I will soon be able to move forward with fully acquiring the Sky Warrior catalogue. The main downside is that the time involved with prepping the books for re-release will limit new acquisitions since I am determined to NOT over work myself like I did a few years ago which seriously impacted WolfSinger operations for a few years.
However, I am back and determined to make sure books are being released. As cons come back I hope to attend several a year to promote the WolfSinger catalogue and the WolfSinger authors.
I've also added information for those interested in doing cover art to the Guidelines page.

Well things got completely away from me and 2018 and 2019 were total busts for me getting anything done.
I must re-iterate that WolfSinger Publications is a one-person operation and it takes a while to overcome burnout and other problems when they take over.
This past October I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and have been put on medications - I have also had serious acid reflux for several years which interfered with getting decent sleep and in May of this year I surgery on my knee.
In addition to the health issues (that are hopefully coming under control) I received a promotion at work that has created a more stressful environment and I get home between 5:30 and 6:00 most nights (although 7:00 or 8:00 happens occasionally when I have to key a rodeo that has lots of issues in setting it up) and usually head to bed around 9:00. This position also includes at least two weekend days a month
I have a number of overdue projects that are going to get my full attention this year and into next - the idea being to get completely caught up on the publishing schedule by May of 2021.
I'm working on updating the website and have several promo pages to add for books released and several to pull for books that are no longer under contract.
Regarding the anthologies that I posted calls for but wasn't able to move forward:
Lightships and Sabers II - we didn't have enough submissions - so this one may reopen when I get caught up
Time Capsules - again not enough submissions - so will reopen when caught up
Matter of Perspective - there were only a couple that came close to the concept I was looking for - this one may re-open
Careful What you Wish For - same as Matter of Perspective
If you submitted to any of these previously and haven't heard anything or done anything with it - you are welcome to re-submit when they re-open - otherwise they are released.
One other note: I tried last year to get Hotel Haunted out - but unfortunately, while I heard back from most of the authors after stories were edited and prepped and payments sent - I never heard back from the editor - so this anthology was cancelled. I know several of the authors were informed - if you weren't I do apologize as there were some great stories and while I might have went ahead with losing a story or two from what was submitted - I just couldn't when I never heard back from the editor who put the anthology together.
One last note - I will also be reopening The Lorelei Signal - check out the submission guidelines here